At 12:00 on May 20, 2018, Indonesia’s first PKG synthetic ammonia project for urea (5080 urea project), undertaken by Tianhua Institute, successfully produced urea, marking the completion of the project.

PKG's synthetic ammonia project for urea is located in Gresik, Surabaya, Indonesia, adjacent to the Indonesian phosphoric acid project site. It is Tianhua Institute's first supervision project in Indonesia under the “Belt and Road” Initiative, lasting a total of 34 months.
In view of the US’s KBR ammonia synthesis process and Japan's TOYO's urea process adopted in this project, Nanjing Sanfang Chemical Equipment Supervision Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tianhua Institute, formulated a special supervision plan to actively cooperate with the in-plant inspection team of the general contractor to monitor and supervise the progress of equipment manufacturing. The company reported to the project team on the current document preparation status, material procurement status, equipment manufacturing progress, existing problems, and solutions. At weekly progress and quality meetings, it supervised the coordination of various departments of the manufacturing plant to promote the progress of the overall project, so as to ensure the project is accomplished.