Responsible Care

Guilin Rubber Machinery Provides Financial Assistance for Employees’ Children to Go to College

Guilin Rubber Machinery’s “2020 Golden Autumn Student Aid” activity was held on September 7th, granting financial assistance totaling RMB 5,000 to four eligible employees whose children had been admitted to college, a move of the company’s Party Committee to help financially-stressed employees’ kids realize their dream of receiving higher education and to enhance the cohesion of employees.

Guilin Rubber Machinery established a Student Aid Fund in 2015 to help low-income families keep their children in school. Up to now, 108 eligible employees’ children have received financial aid totaling RMB 170,000, through which a fine tradition of mutual care and assistance has been formed.

On behalf of the company, Liu Xiao, member of the Party Committee and deputy secretary of the Party Discipline Inspection Commission of Guilin Rubber Machinery, congratulated the aided workers on their children’s good performance in the national college entrance examination, and expressed the hope that their children will work hard at their studies to become the pillars of society. The aided workers expressed their gratitude to the company for its concern and support for the education of their children, saying that they have felt the warmth of the big family of Guilin Rubber Machinery, and will continue to work hard to repay the company and society in the future.

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